What else is there in the back end besides adding, deleting, modifying and checking?

Hello everyone.

Java programmers who have just worked for 3 or 5 years have begun to feel comfortable in daily work, and basically no problem can stump us.

At this time, it is easy for us to fall into confusion and not know how to continue to improve ourselves? How can I advance to become a senior, expert, or director?

There is even such a question on Zhihu: What else is there in the backend besides adding, deleting, modifying and checking?

Today we will look at the answer to this question from the interview eight-part essay and project questions.

What will be asked in the interview with eight-part essay?

  • Java virtual machine JVM, Java memory model JMM, garbage collection algorithm, garbage collector, CMS, G1, ZGC, JVM tuning

  • Java basics: List, Map, concurrent packages, locks

  • Class loading mechanism, dynamic proxy, reflection, design pattern

  • Multi-threading, high concurrency, distributed (distributed principle, distributed lock, distributed transaction)

  • SQL optimization, index principles, transaction operations

Application layer:

  • Spring, MyBatis, Webflux, Redis, Elasticsearch, rpc, DDD and other framework applications and principles, as well as their own understanding.

How much do you know about these things? Do you know what is happening or why?

General abilities:

  • Operating systems, computer networks, algorithms; can you integrate the eight design principles?

Architectural capabilities

How much do you know about technical architecture and business architecture design? Can it be designed on demand?

Why is the system architecture designed this way? What problem was solved? Is there a better design?

Life-long learning!

Or, let’s not be so confident and ask GPT:

I am a Java novice and have just worked for 3 years. I think that the Java backend is nothing more than adding, deleting, modifying and checking. Please help me clear up my doubts and give me a learning route for Java backend from beginner, intermediate, advanced to expert.

GPT will also tell you the answer:

Java backend development is a broad field that involves many different technologies and tools. The following is a learning route for Java backend from beginner to expert, I hope it can provide you with some reference:

Primary Stage

At the initial level, you need to master the basics of the Java programming language, including syntax, object-oriented programming, exception handling, collection framework, etc. In addition, you also need to understand basic web development knowledge, including HTTP protocol, Servlet, JSP, etc.

Here are some techniques and tools to learn at the entry level:

– Java programming language

– Object-Oriented Programming

– Exception handling

– Collection framework

– Servlets and JSPs

– JDBC and SQL

– Tomcat server

Intermediate stage

At the intermediate level, you need to learn in depth all aspects of Java back-end development, including web frameworks, ORM frameworks, caching, message queues, etc. In addition, you also need to understand some common development tools and technologies, such as version control, build tools, testing frameworks, etc.

Here are some techniques and tools to learn at the intermediate level:

– Spring framework

– Hibernate ORM framework

– MyBatis ORM framework

– Redis cache

– RabbitMQ message queue

– Git version control

– Maven or Gradle build tools

– JUnit testing framework

Advanced stage

At the advanced stage, you need to have an in-depth understanding of all aspects of Java back-end development and master some advanced technologies and tools, such as microservices, containerization, distributed systems, etc. In addition, you also need to understand some common design patterns and architectural patterns, such as MVC, RESTful API, etc.

Here are some techniques and tools to learn at an advanced level:

– Spring Boot microservice framework

– Docker containerization technology

– Kubernetes container orchestration system

– Apache Kafka message queue

– OAuth2 authentication and authorization framework

– Design patterns and architectural patterns

– RESTful API design and implementation

expert stage

In the expert stage, you need to become an expert in the field of Java back-end development and have an in-depth understanding of some cutting-edge technologies and tools, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc. In addition, you also need to have certain architectural design and team management capabilities, and be able to lead the team to complete complex projects.

Here are some techniques and tools to learn at the expert level:

– Artificial intelligence and machine learning

– Blockchain technology

– Big data and data analysis

– Microservice architecture design and implementation

– DevOps and continuous integration/continuous delivery

-Team management and leadership

Follow me and I will send you a complete set of Java job interview materials that I have compiled. This is an interview question I compiled before. Relying on this interview question, I went from a small company with 30 people to a state-owned enterprise subsidiary with 2,000+ people, and then to a large Internet company.

An interview question to get me into a big factory & central enterprise
